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Monitoring Environmental Performance
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Courses in English
Environmental Management
Topic 1
List of Guidance Notes
List of Guidance Notes
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List of Guidance Notes
◄ Communicating the EIP
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Monitoring Environmental Performance Level 5
Structure of the Module and Outcomes
Monitoring Progress
Impact Measures: Monitoring Techniques
What are the key environmental monitoring areas?
Basic monitoring requirements
Monitoring air pollution
Which emissions require monitoring?
Monitoring Methodology
Instruments / Technique
Position of Instruments
Period of Survey
Maintaining a register of IPC and LAPC authorisations
Monitoring and improving air quality(CO,CO2 and black smoke)
Implementing a monitoring programme
Monitoring VOC's
Monitoring and improving air quality
Implementing an emissions minimisation strategy
Summary Checklist
Monitoring potable water supplies
Controls on trade effluent: discharge consents
How can the company monitor consent parameters?
Monitoring Wastes
Monitoring Energy
Incidents and Complaints
Monitoring Records
Monitoring equipment record form
More detailed records
Setting Environmental Objectives and Targets
A Commitment to Leadership,Built Upon Respect (IBM)
Procter & Gamble
What are objectives and targets?
The Environmental Improvement Programme
Quantifying Objectives and Targets in the EIP
Developing an EIP
Communicating the EIP
BATNEEC Process Guidance notes (PG) series
Air Pollution Legislation: A Brief Overview
Other Legislation and regulation
Integrated Pollution Control (IPC)
What constitutes BATNEEC for the industry that I am involved in
Environmental harm
Applying for a process authorisation for an IPC regulated process
Local Air Pollution Control (LAPC)
What constitutes BATNEEC for the industry that I am involved in for LAPC?
EA raises stakes in quality stack testing
The main solvent flows throughout a factory
Water Pollution
Legislation relating to water pollution
Example of a Discharge Consent
What is waste minimisation?
The National Waste Strategy
The Core Elements of a Waste Minimisation Strategy
Characterisation of Waste
Waste audits at specified intervals
Case studies of Successful Waste minimisation Strategies
Examples of Industrial Waste Minimisation Strategies
Waste Disposal Legislation: An Overview
Waste- general regulations
Duty of Care provisions of EPA 1990
Duty of Care: Explanations
Duty of Care: Offences
The Environment Act 1995
Duty Of Care For Packaging Waste Disposal
Packaging Recovery & Recycling Legislation
The impacts of the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 1997
Summary of the Main UK Waste Regulations
Sample Waste Audit - ABC Engineering
Sample Waste Audit - B&C Coatings
Sample Waste Audit - Metal Casting Cos
Energy Improvement Strategies
Methodology for Implementing an Energy Improvement Strategy
Energy management
View a company of an energy improvement strategy
Transport Strategies
Transport Strategies: Where to begin
Outline for a Transport Strategy
Checklist for suggested contents on a transport improvement programme
Example of a Transport Improvement Scheme
Energy Conversion Formulae
Common Energy Yardsticks
Consumption Targets
Substantial Savings from Sub-Metering
Case study: Long Term Energy Monitoring
Carbon Dioxide Facts
Key areas to look at for energy improvements
Space Heating & Cooling
Process Heating & Cooling
Motive Power
Compressed Air
Lighting & Office Equipment
Fuel Type
Record of Discharge Consents
Emissions Record
Record of IPC and LAPC Authorisations
IPC/LAPC Data Sheets
Solvents Inventory
Energy audit checklist
Energy audit reporting form
Transport Improvement Programme Checklist
Waste audit checklist
Model waste record format
Waste Stream Prioritisation Form
Incidents and complaints record form
Monitoring Equipment Record
BATNEEC Process Guidance notes (PG) series ►