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Automotive Engineering I
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Topic 5
Spur Gear with Planetary Transmission
Spur Gear with Planetary Transmission
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Spur Gear with Planetary Transmission
◄ Design and Shifting Diagram of the Ravigneaux transmission
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Road Resistances
Wheel Resistances
Component from the Tyre
Wheel replacement model
Design of Radial Ply Tyres
Damping coefficients of a passenger car tyre
Deformation wave formation
Load dependence of rolling resistance force ...
Pressure distribution in the tyre contact patch
Forces and moments on the wheel
Forces and moments on the vehicle body, wheel and road
Rolling resistance coefficient of a truck's radial ply tyre
Rolling resistance coefficients for different radial ply tyres
Tyre test bench designs
Roller Tyre Test Bench with external running surface
Influence of tyre pressure regulation
Rubber mixture for a tyre tread
Developemental target in tyre development
Truck tyres with minimised rolling resistance
Component from the Road
Energy of a wheel suspension when encountering an obstacle
Components of resistance on plastic roads
Resistances on plastically deforming roads
Resistances on plastically deforming roads
Dependence of the Co-efficient
Dependence of Variables N and E on water level
Baffle resistance dependent on velocity
Hydroplaning (Goodyear)
Forces acting on a wheel subjected to slip
Slip resistance coefficient depending on slip angle
Resistance due to Wheel Tie
Wheel Camber Angle
Friction-free / Friction loaded cylinder flow
Tranverse flow over a cylinder
Viscous flow between two moving plates
Boundary layer formation over a longitudinally streamed plate
Flow over two geometrically similar bodies
Boundary layer speration on a wall
Transverse flow around a rectangular cylinder
Influence of Reynold's Number
Classification of Wind Tunnels
Open wind tunnel design (Eiffel design)
Closed wind tunnel design (Gottinger design)
Classification of measuring tracks according to type of wall
Forces and Moments in aerodynamic measurements
Aerodynamic Wind Tunnel at BMW AG
Classification of Air Resistance in Vehicles
Air separating cross sections of different body designs
Induces air flow at the vehicle body
Longitudinal swirls caused by induced flow
Componebts of aerodynamic drag in an optimized bus body
Flow inside a motor vehicle
Aerodynamic drag at oblique flow for different passenger cars
Aerodynamic drag for commercial vehicle ...
Chronological chanves in Cw values
Deinition of Gradients
Forces acting on vehicles in Gradients
trasnlation inertia force acting on the vehicle
Rotational force of inertia acting on the driven wheel
Rotating masses which have to be considered at the changing velocity
Road Resistances on an Upward Gradient
Exemplary components of road resistance in ciommercial vehicles
Road resistance power depending on velocity
Classification of Drivetrain Components
Energy Storage
Energy and Power Densities of Various Energy Sources
Flywheel Storage
Latent Heat Storage Unit
Classification of Drivetrain Components
Classification of Powerplants
The 2-stroke working system
The 4-stroke working cycle
Determination of Mean Effective Pressure in a 4-stroke engine
Power and Torque delivery of a reciprocating engine
Fuel Consumption Map
Torque Curves of Gasoline and Diesel Engines
Geometry of the Wankel Engine
Schematic of a Two-shaft Gas Turbine
Power and Torque Curves of One and Two-shaft Gas Turbines
Specific Fuel Consumption of Gas Turbine, Gasoline and Diesel Engine
Components of an Electic Drive
Ranges presently achieved in Electric vehicles
Development of Fuel-Cell Vehicles by Daimler Benz
DC Motor Circuits
Characteristic of Externally Excited DC Motor
Control of Electric Motors
Wheel-hub Motor
Design of a Parallel Hybrid
Power Splitter in Hybrid Propulsion
Parallel Hybrid Vehicle, Ford EHV
Structure of a Serial Hybrid
Delivery map limited by Friction and Maximum Engine Speed
Delivery Maps of different Motor Vehicle Drives
Characteristic points on the Engine Map
Speed and Torque Elasticity of selected Aggregates
Emission Statistics in Germany
Annual Emissions of Motor Vehicles
Exhaust Emission Limits in Europe
Noise Emission Limits for Motor Vehicle Registration in the EC
Delivery Maps of different Vehicle Drives
Assessment of Different Propulsion Principles
Summary ? Propulsion Systems
Classification of Drivetrain Components
Input and Output Parameters of a Speed Converter
Transformation of the Engine Characteristic by a Mechanical Clutch
Sectional Drawings of a Coil and Diaphragm Spring Clutch
Diaphragm Sping Clutch
Air Gap, Pressure Force and Release Force
Force-Displacement Diagram of Coil and Diaphragm Spring
Functional Principle of an Automatic Clutch
Hydrodynamic Clutch
Slip factor of a Foettinger Clutch
Interaction between Combustion Engine and Foettinger Clutch
Fundamental design a Visco - Hydraulic Clutch
Clutch Lamellae of a Visco-Hydraulic Clutch
Hump Effect in Visco-Hyfraulic Clutches
Classification of Drivetrain Components
Conversion Characteristic of a Torque Converter
Input and Output Parameters of a Torque Converter
Classification of Torque Converters
Conversion of a Torque Map by a Four-Speed Transmission
Transmission Elements of a Passenger Car and Commercial Vehicle
Relatioship between Engine Speed and Driving Velocity
Stability Criteria for selection of Gear Ratios
Speed - Velocity Diagram for Geometric Transmission Layout
Torque Delivery in Geometric Transmission Layout
Speed Velocity Diagram for Progressive Transmission Layout
Torque Delivery in Progressive Transmission layout
Design and Power FLow in aCoaxial Two-Shaft Transmission
Five-Speed Manual Transmission
Design and Pwer Flow in a Deaxial Two-Shaft Transmission
Deaxial 5-speed Manual Transmission
Internal Cone Synchromesh
Functional Principle of Synchromeshed Gearshifting
5-Speed Double Clutch Transmission
Epicyclic Transmission
Forces acting on a Planetary Wheel
Steps of a Planetary Train with Theoretical ranges of Ratios
Friction Clutches in Epicyclic Transmission for holding the Hollow Wheel
Design and Shifting Diagram of a Coupled Planetary Train
Ravigneaux Transmission
Design and Shifting Diagram of the Ravigneaux transmission
9-speed Truck Transmission with Two-Speed Planetary Train
3-Group Commercial Vehicle Transmission
Design and Power Flow in a Three-Group Transmission
Conversion Characteristic of a CVT
Control Strategies for different Opimization Criteria
Classification of Mechanical CVTs
Force transmision in Modern U-Transmissions
Force Transmission Concepts in Pitch Transmissions
Classification of Hydraulic CVTs
Trilok Converter with accompanying Blade Principle
Characteristic of a Trilok Converter
Interaction between Combustion Engine and Trilok Converter
Characteristic Conversion of an IVT
Classification of Automatic Transmissions
Delivery Map of an Automatic Trasnmission
Passenger Car 3-Speed Automatic Transmission
Power Flow Diagram of a Passenger Car
5-Speed Automatic Transmission
Shifting Strategy for a 4-Speed Automatic Transmission
Functional Structure of an Adaptive transmission Control (BMW)
U Trasnmission
U Transmission with Hydrodynamic Clutch
Assessment of Various Propulsion Principles
Comparision of Trasnmission Efficiency
Assessment of Various Propulsion Principles
Assessment of Various Propulsion Principles
Summary of Transmissions
Classification of Drivetrain Components
Classification of Differentials
Bevel-Gear Differential
Bevel-Gear Transfer Case (Audi)
Spur-Gear Planetary Differential
Transfer Case
Classification of Differential Locks
Positively-Engaged Differential Locks
Schematic of a Fixed Value Lock
Spin-Resistant Differential Lock
Components of the Torsen-Differential
Differential Lock with Visco-Hydraulic Clutch
Characteristic Curves of different Self-Regulating Differential Locks
Automatic Differential Lock
Summary of Differential Locks
Classification of Drivetrain Components
Classification of Brakes
Pasenger Car 4-Wheel Disk-Brake System
Forces in a Braking System
Classification into Vehicles Categories
Regulations for Service Brakes
Regulations for Emergency Brakes and Parking Brakes
Regulations for Continuous Service Brakes
Drum Brake Designs
Comparison of Disk Brake Designs
Equations related to Disk and Drum Brakes
Brake Charateristic for Different Brake Types
Sensitivity E0 dependent on Friction Coefficient
Foot Force and resulting Operating Force on the Pedal
Booster Diagram
Vacuum Brake Booster
Hyfraulic Brake Booster
Comparision Master Cylinder Designs
Comparision Master Cylinder Designs
Double-Circuit Air Brake System
Pressure Regulator
Air Dessicator
Four-Circuit Protection Valve
Service-Brake Valve
Combination Brake Cylinder
Combined Compressed Air-Hydraulic Brake System
Electric Disk Brake
Classification of Continuous Service Brakes
Pi - V Diagram for Exhaust Brake
Pi - V Diagram for Engine Brake by variation of Valve Timing
Hydro-Dynamic Retarder
Eddy Current Brake
Characteristics of Continouos Service Brakes
Torsional Vibration Model of a Drivetrain
Sources of Vibrations
Transmission Behavious of Universal Joints
Spring-Damper Elements in a Clutch Plate
Dual-Mass Flywheel
Dual-Mass Flywheel
Model of a CLutch Slip Control
Speed and Slip Characteristic in a Clutch Slip Control
Vibration Eliminator
Trasnmission Efficiencies for different Input Torques
Driving Torques dependent on Engine Speed
traction Force Diagram
Driving Power Diagram
traction Force Diagram, Excess Traction Force and Climbing Ability
Trction Force Diagram, Excess traction Force and Accelerating Ability
Influence of Mass Factor on the Power-defined Accelerating Ability
Driving Power Diagram, Excess Power and Accelerating Ability
Transmission Layouts
Transmission Layouts
Layout of 5th Gear as E-Gear
Effect of a Speed Limiter (Diesel Engine)
Trasnmission Layout in trucks
Driving Force and Traction Power Diagram
Influence of the Mass Factor on the Optimum Shifting Points when Accelerating
Stable Driving Conditions in Downward Gradients
Fuel Consumption
Schematic Engine Map
ECE-City Driving Cycle for Manual Transmission Vehicles
Comparison 1/3-Mix Xonsumption with Test Values
NEDC- Driving Cycle
Consumption Targets determined by the US Energy Act
Test Cycle FTP-75, City-Cycle
Test Cycle FTP-75, Highway-Cycle
Determination of Fleet Consumption of a Manufacturer
Influencing parameters in the Reduction of Fuel Consumption
Engine Map with Deman Curves
track Fuel Consumption (Constant velocity)
Influences on the Specific Energy Demand
Methods of Fuel Consumption Reduction
Aerodynamic Measures on a Semitrailer truck
Influence of Aerodynamic Measures on the Fuel Consumption
Influence of change in Engine Speed on Fuel Consumption
Influence of Aggregates on Fuel Consumption
Drivetrain Layouts
Engine Layouts in Passenger Cars and Commercial Vehicles with RWD
Engine Positions in Passenger Cars and Light Vans with FWD
Engine Positions in Passenger Cars and Commercial Vehicles with AWD
All Wheel Drive Concepts
Manually Overdriven AWD
Friction Clutch Trasnfer Case (Mercedes - Benz 4 - Matic)
Electronic Shift-on-Fly All-Wheel Drive (Daimler-Benz 4-Matic)
Permanent All-Wheel Drive (Audi V8)
Permanent All-Wheel Drive (Porsche Carrera 4)
Summary of AWD Configurations
Forces acting on a Wheel
Vehicle / Wheel Speed
Coefficient of Friction-Slip Curve
Coefficient of Friction for different Road Conditions
Coefficient of Friction at different Vehicle Speeds
Forces on a Vehicle Accelerated in a Gradient
Vertical Forces acting on a Vehicle
Horizontal Forces acting on a Vehicle
Friction Coefficients for FWD and RWD
Friction Coefficient for AWD
Friction limited Acceleration and Climbing Ability
Friction limited Acceleration and Climbing Ability in AWD systems
Traction Coefficients of various Drive Concepts
Traction Coefficients of Double-Axle Trucks
Permissible Axle Loads
Permissible dimensions for Motor Vehicles and Trailer Trucks
Total Weight and Minimum Engine Output (StVZO)
Calculation of Traction Coefficient
Forces acting on a Wheel
Vehicle / Wheel Speed
Coefficient of Friction-Slip Curve
Coefficient of Friction for different Road Conditions
Coefficient of Friction at different Vehicle Speeds
Forces on a Vehicle Accelerated in a Gradient
Vertical Forces acting on a Vehicle
Horizontal Forces acting on a Vehicle
Friction Coefficients for FWD and RWD
Friction Coefficient for AWD
Friction limited Acceleration and Climbing Ability
Friction limited Acceleration and Climbing Ability in AWD systems
Traction Coefficients of various Drive Concepts
Traction Coefficients of Double-Axle Trucks
Permissible Axle Loads
Permissible dimensions for Motor Vehicles and Trailer Trucks
Total Weight and Minimum Engine Output (StVZO)
Calculation of Traction Coefficient
9-speed Truck Transmission with Two-Speed Planetary Train ►