2. Policy & Strategy

Policy & Strategy diagram Definition:
"Excellent organizations develop their mission and vision by implementing a stakeholder focused strategy that takes account of the market and sector in which it operates. Policies, plans, objectives and processes are developed and deployed to deliver the strategy."
Copyright EFQM 1999. The EFQM Model is a Registered Trademark.

There are four sub criterion parts (2a to 2d), associated with the Policy and Strategy criterion.

Examples of Sub Criterion Parts:

2c. Policy and strategy are developed reviewed and updated
2d. Policy and Strategy are communicated and deployed through a framework of key processes

As before, the guidance points can be used to expand upon the criterion part statement. For example, under Criterion part 2d. a relevant question might be to do with the awareness of Policy & Strategy and its measurement among stakeholders. Criterion 2d may prompt the organisation to look at the framework and processes needed for delivering policy and strategy.

Many smaller firms tend not to have a specific Policy in place, as they often feel that being small they do not really need one. It is this, however, along with strategic objectives that will help a business to really focus on what it is doing and who its customers are. No business can attain service excellence without aligning itself to a policy and strategy.