Scoring against the Excellence Model

RADAR scoring

  • Results
  • Approach
  • Deployment
  • Assessment
  • Review

The Excellence Model utilises the RADAR scoring matrix © . This is an acronym that helps to describe how the scoring is approached.

Each of the nine criteria is assigned a score weighting according to its importance and this is used in calculating the scores following a self assessment of the organisation. The scoring is relatively complex, and simpler methods can be employed when say an organisation first starts to use the model, perhaps then moving to the RADAR scheme once it has gained experience in using the model. The RADAR system is however always used when an organisation wishes to apply for the UK Excellence Award scheme where external assessors are used.

The RADAR acronym really describes how the model should work in practice. Scoring is based on Results, which are themselves dependent upon the approach used and extent of deployment of a particular initiative or programme, and which are then assessed and reviewed. This cycle should then bring about improvements in the results and the cycle then repeats itself, continually.