Who Should Use It ?

  • private, public, voluntary, SME, corporates, even schools, and restaurants
  • anyone who wants to embed continuous and measurable improvement into their organisation
  • anyone who wants their business to stand out above others in same market or class
  • anyone who wants to ensure that all staff are involved and aiming for the same goals

The Excellence Model is simply a framework for the effective and efficient operation of any type of business or organisation, of whatever size. It can even be applied to a one man operation, albeit in a cut down fashion as clearly some aspects of the model would be irrelevant in that situation.

Unlike with say ISO9000, there is never a pre-requisite to attain "excellence" as such in order to gain a contract from a larger firm or public sector organisation and there is no final certificate involved. Its use is purely voluntary, and it is therefore down to the decision of the business or organisation's management as to whether they genuinely wish to excel and stand out in their particular marketplace.

Use of the Excellence Model will often bring about a change of culture within the organisation, as it will help to demonstrate to staff that management really do care about being the best in class, and this generally results in everyone aiming for the same goals.