Introduction to TPM

Benefits to Operators

There are direct benefits which operators can gain from TPM:

  • A clean, tidy and safer workplace. One of the most visible benefits of TPM is the improvement in the workplace and general working conditions.

  • Problems and faults fixed. The problems and faults which have hindered people's jobs and caused a lot of frustration are rectified.

  • A say in what goes on in their area. People have some control over their own working area, and have the satisfaction of suggesting improvements and seeing them implemented.

  • Opportunities to increase skills and knowledge. TPM programmes offer increased training and development opportunities for the shop floor.

  • Increased self-confidence. Better training and the ability to self-manage problems and implement improvements builds self-esteem.

  • Fewer panics. Reduced faults and problems leads to a more pleasant working environment.

  • People working smarter, not harder. Efforts are more productive. Dirty, difficult, or hazardous tasks are investigated and eliminated where possible.

Benefits to Maintenance Staff

  • Machinery, equipment, and tooling, etc., which is clean, kept in good condition, and, as a result is easier and safer to work on.

  • Less breakdown maintenance. A significant reduction in breakdowns can be achieved with TPM. This means less panics, pressure, and unsocial working hours to restore equipment to operational condition.

  • Less time spent carrying out unskilled tasks. Skilled maintenance staff are relieved of the many simple but important tasks they have traditionally carried out.

  • More time to spend on preventing breakdowns. The skills of maintenance staff can be used more effectively. This will include establishing a maintenance strategy for each piece of equipment, investigating problems, and eliminating the root causes.

  • More active involvement. Maintenance staff are actively involved in the production process, rather than being kept at arm's length until something goes wrong.

Agenda 2000