Tool designers are either independent or employed by a mouldmaker; in either case their contribution is vital to the ultimate success of the project. The designer needs precise specifications and details of the moulder's standards (an example Enquiry Form is included). As with moulders in Stage 2, appreciable technical work is involved for mouldmakers to respond sensibly to an enquiry; invite no more than 3 to prepare a quotation (see Words of Wisdom 2). In choosing a mouldmaker the ability to work within a team, to have EDI capability and particularly the ability to form a close working relationship with the moulder should be amongst the selection criteria.

Moulder and mouldmaker must agree on the essential principles of the required tool design together with the physical requirements of the proposed moulding machine, but the mould designer should then be free to contribute his own ideas.

[Reference has been made generally throughout this publication to injection moulding but the principles may equally well apply apply to other methods of processing polymers.]

"The bitter taste of poor product lingers long after the sweetness of low cost has disappeared..."