Worksheet b: UTILITIES

Company: Armond Engineering Ltd

Completed by: J Price

Date: 20/7/99

Gather the most recent 12 months consumption and cost data from monthly and quarterly invoices. If you have more than one supply of electricity, gas, water, oil.., add these up to give a total figure for each utilities.

1. Electricity
Annual Consumption: 1 827 516 kwh
Unit Cost: 4.42 pence/kwh
Annual Cost: £80 776
Major Uses: Lighting
Compressed Air
2. Gas
Annual Consumption: 2 422 408 kwh
Unit Cost: 1.03 pence/kwh
Annual Cost: £24 952
Major Uses: Process heating and cooling
Space heating

3. Mains Water

When considering water costs, include the cost of the water to sewer (as effluent) as well as the cost of the incoming water supply. both costs are shown on your bill. water and effluent costs vary country wide.

Annual Consumption: 146 760 m3
Cost of water supply: 58.5 pence/m3
Cost of trade effluent: 27.0 pence/m3
Annual Cost:
In: £85 782
Out: £40 000
Total: £125 782
Major uses: Rinsing

4. Vehicle Fuels

Include different types of petrol, diesel, oil, lpg, etc used for vehicles including fork-lift trucks and all cars/commercial vehicles.

Fuel Amount Unit Cost Total Annual Cost
Leaded petrol 935 litres/year 70 pence/litre £655
Unleaded petrol 7 690 litres/year 65 pence/litre £4 999
Diesel 21 946 litres/year 65 pence/litre £14 265
Oil 11 litres/year £5 for 5 litres £11
Total: £19 930