Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
Level 5
Pre-Assessment Audits
Unit 6
Auditing an EMS

A pre-assessment audit of the EMS is generally undertaken to assess the readiness of the organisation for certification or registration. It is a service offered by many certification bodies, but companies should use the same external organisation to undertake the pre-assessment and certification/registration. BSi and other certification bodies use a pre-assessment questionnaire to gather information during the pre-assessment audit.

Although a pre-assessment audit is not a pre-requisite to certification, it can be a cost-effective tool in the implementation programme. For a small to medium sized organisation, the pre-assessment should take no longer than one day to complete, and will involve one external auditor and the time of one member of staff, usually the Management Representative. The main benefits of having a pre-assessment are:

Produce audit checklists as if you were going to audit the three procedures bwlow. A checklist is provided after the procedures. (You will probably find it easier to print out the form at the end of the page and work from that.)


Register of Applicable Environmental Legislation

  1. A Register of Applicable Environmental Legislation shall be established and maintained by the Management Representative in order to identify legislation and regulations which are applicable to the environmental aspects of the companys activities and services.

Identify Legal and Other Requirements

  1. The register should consider the following legal documents and supporting information where appropriate to the companys activities and services:

    2.1  Acts of Parliament
    2.2  Statutory Regulations
    2.3  Codes of Practice
    2.4  Guidance Notes
    2.5  Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions Circulars
    2.6  European Community Directives

Access to Legal and Other Requirements

  1. Subscriptions to Croners Environmental Management and appropriate environmental journals shall be maintained to ensure access to up-to-date information on legal and regulatory requirements which are applicable. Copies of the legislation and regulations, and revisions thereof, can also be obtained if required. Where copies are available, this shall be recorded on the Register of Applicable Environmental Legislation and on the Standards Register (in accordance with QP07 Control of Standards).

Maintaining and Reviewing the Register

  1. The completed register must be signed and dated by the Management Representative and a hard copy of the register shall be available in the Operations Directors office.
  2. Periodic reviews of the contents of the register shall be undertaken where consideration shall be given to the following:

    5.1  Changes in the activities and services
    5.2  New/amended legislation and regulations
    5.3  Compliance

  3. The Management Representative shall ensure that non-compliances with legislation or regulations are dealt with by implementing the necessary corrective actions and modifying relevant procedures to take into account any changes required for compliance.


Internal Communications

  1. The Managing Director shall ensure that the Environmental Policy is made available to all employees and displayed at prominent locations around the office. Employees shall also be informed and advised by the Management Representative as to how the policy and any revisions affect them.
  2. All new employees shall be issued with a copy of the Environmental Policy during their induction. Guidance shall be given by the Management Representative as to how the policy affects their work and their role in implementing it.
  3. Internal requests for information regarding the companys Environmental Policy, activities, services, effects, or Environmental Management System shall be directed to the Management Representative, who shall respond either verbally or by w-mail, as appropriate.

External Communications

  1. All external communications regarding the Environmental Policy, activities, services, effects, or Environmental Management System shall be directed to the Management Representative who shall enter them on the Environmental Correspondence Spreadsheet and address them as follows:

    4.1 Copies of the Environmental Policy shall be e-mailed/sent to external interested parties who request it.

    4.2 Requests for information about the companys activities, services, effects, or Environmental Management System shall be considered carefully and e-mailed/sent appropriate information.

    4.3 Those with concerns about the companys significant environmental aspects shall be e-mailed/sent a letter addressing their concerns. In some cases, the Management Representative may decide it appropriate to discuss their concerns at a meeting.

  2. Responses to requests for information shall be maintained on the Environmental Correspondence Spreadsheet by the Management Representative or Administrative staff.



PROCEDURE No.: ...........  TITLE: ...........  ISSUE No.: ........... 

AUDIT DATE: ..........  AUDITOR: ...........  SHEET No. ....  OF .... 

















If you would like to print out a copy of this form, click here.