External Legislation Effects


As stated the Government must incorporate European Legislation, thus systems need to be in place to measure performance and ensure targets are met, and must be sufficiently flexible to incorporate the requirements of the directives.

e.g. The Landfill Directive

  • Reducing industrial and commercial waste to landfill to 85% of 1998 levels.
  • Landfill Directive, sets targets for diversion of biodegradable municipal waste from landfill. In 1995, the UK landfilled around 85% of the 27 million tonnes of municipal waste produced. By 2020 the UK will need to divert at least 6 million tonnes of waste from landfill.
  • Recycling or composting 25% of household waste will not be met by 2000 but ASAP (2005).
  • Medium term achieve 45% recovery, including 30% recycling and composting, by 2010.

The government believes that "for a truly sustainable system of waste management, and to meet the targets in the Landfill Directive, we need to recover two-thirds of our waste, half of that through materials recovery, by 2015".

It appears that the development of a substantial number of new facilities and extensive separate kerbside collection systems for recycling will be required to achieve the targets set out in the strategy. The number of facilities will depend largely on the level of waste arisings and the precise mix of technologies chosen.



1. Choose one disposal method and investigate the process of applying Life Cycle Analysis.

2. Choose a waste stream from Chapter 7 of Part II of the strategy document. Review current production volumes, methods of disposal and indicate how you believe this area will develop, e.g. what innovative methods of re-use, recycling markets etc.

3. Find out what additions are being considered to the Hazardous waste list by the European commission. What effects might this have on waste management, i.e. for companies, waste collection, volumes of hazardous waste.

4. Choose one hazardous waste treatment technique. Discuss in detail giving one example of a waste treated in this way.

5. Review the legislative and financial controls the government has implemented to control waste, discuss advantages and disadvantages. To what extent do you believe these will be successful.