Training Your Personnel: Level 4

Unit 2 - Introduction

2.4 Assess Your Current Training Programme

If you are in the process of, or have already established an environmental training programme, the questionnaire attached to this link can be used to assess its effectiveness. By scoring each question and completing the questionnaire you will be more aware of where you are and what you need to do to ensure you have an effective environmental training programme.

Key for Scoring the Questionnaire

Score 1:  for YES, i.e. you have all the elements in place

Score ½:  for PARTLY, i.e. you have some of the elements in place

Score 0:  for NO, i.e. you have none of the elements in place

Training programme score rating:

Score Comments

11 to 15


Well done, you have established, or nearly established, a comprehensive training programme.

6 to 10


Keep going. Your training programme is taking shape. You have put in a great deal of effort, yet the programme is not complete.

0 to 5


You have completed the basics but there s a long way to go. Now you know what the outstanding elements are, you should be able to plan their implementation.

ISO 14001 and EMAS Training Requirements

The questions in the self-assessment questionnaire are derived from the training requirements described in environmental management system standards ISO 14001 and EMAS. The training requirements of both these standards are practically the same and can be viewed by clicking below.

BS EN ISO 14001:1996, Clause 4.4.2 Training, awareness and competence

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme Regulations, Annex I.B.2. Organisation and personnel

By following this module you can ensure that you will meet the requirements of either EMS standard