Training Your Personnel: Level 4

Unit 3 - Commitment to Training

3.2 Top Management

All employees will have some involvement in the EMS, however commitment to implementing the EMS needs to come from top management.

To get that commitment however, top management may need to be persuaded about the benefits that environmental management could bring the company.

A well-prepared presentation on environmental management may be required to raise their awareness of the issue, its importance and the benefits that can be achieved.

The commitment of top management is important, as resources for implementing the EMS (financial, human, time, etc.) will need to be secured.

Raising Awareness
Presentation to Top Management

Objectives -

  1. Outline the benefits an EMS
  2. Get commitment for the project
  3. Agree proposed course of action
  4. Secure necessary resources

Raising the awareness of top management is best done through a formal presentation by the Management Representative (MR). The presentation should be given at a relevant management meeting, and it may be necessary to schedule the presentation on an agenda.

The MR is the person who has been given overall responsibility for implementing the EMS.