Training Your Personnel: Level 4

Unit 3 - Commitment to Training

3.4 The Environmental Steering Group

Some companies appoint an Environmental Steering Group (ESG) to help the MR design and implement the EMS. The group is generally made up of managers from different areas of the company. Other names for the group include the Environmental Team or the Environmental Committee.

Environmental Steering Group

Raising Awareness
Presentation to Environmental Steering Group

Objectives -

  1. Outline the benefits an EMS
  2. Get commitment for the project
  3. Detail the requirements of an EMS
  4. Assign responsibilities

    for implementing the EMS

Not all companies will appoint an ESG, or have the resources to do so. In some companies, top management and the ESG may be the same people. In others, the MR may be the only resource available for establishing the EMS.

If an ESG is appointed the MR will need to raise their awareness of EMS. The formal presentation that was given to top management can be adapted and given to the ESG.

At ESG level the presentation should be more about what implementing an EMS involves, and the requirements of the environmental standard that the company are seeking accreditation to.

The commitment of the ESG is important, as they will be ones implementing the EMS.