Training Your Personnel: Level 4

Appendix 7.22

Employee training and solvent awareness

EMAS Regulations, Annex I.B.2. Organisation and personnel

Both practical and theoretical training in the use, handling and clean-up of solvents and related equipment are key components of any successful solvent reduction plan. Other points that can be raised are economic, environmental and health issues.

Written documentation for all operations that involve the handling or use of solvents should include:

  • Process manuals to highlight the quantities of chemicals needed and to provide health and safety and environmental data and to identify the appropriate operating procedures.
  • Operating procedures to explain how to use certain equipment that involve the use of solvents.

A high degree of employee motivation can be encouraged through:

  • Holding one-day refresher training.
  • Giving employees certificates of competence
  • Implementing a solvent minimisation suggestion scheme with rewards for the best suggestions
  • Devising a profit share as a result of reduced solvent consumption.
  • Communicating waste minimisation progress, for example through posting reports on bulletin boards.