Unit 3:  Current Legislation Affecting UK Industry: Overview

Exercise:  Test your Knowledge

Draft short responses to each of these questions:

  • Why does IPPC cover installations rather than processes as under IPC?
  • How will I know what constitutes BAT for my installation?
  • How do IPPC permits differ from IPC authorisations? Is it more difficult to get a permit?
  • I am already operating an LAPC regulated process and I will fall under IPPC. When do I need to apply for a permit?
  • I have changed my installation and it is covered by IPPC, when am I covered by the regime?
  • I currently have an IPC authorisation but have found that IPPC is not applicable to my site-will I be exempt?
  • My installation will fall under IPPC regulation, but it is not considered that there is significant capacity for causing pollution, will the regulation fully apply to me?