Unit 4:  Current Legislation Affecting UK Industry: Land

4.2.4  The Environment Act 1995

As discussed at the beginning of this particular section, the government is steering the UK into a waste minimisation strategy, which is implemented under Part V of EA 1995. Under the provisions of this Act the government has also implemented the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive as the Producer Responsibility (Packaging Waste) Obligations 1997. Schedule 12 and s.92 of the EA 1995 give the overall objectives of the National Waste Strategy as:

  • To make sure that all waste is disposed of or recovered using means by which human health is safe guarded and without using environmentally damaging processes or techniques. To also ensure that water, soil, air, plants or animals are not endangered; that no nuisance through odours or noise is created and that there exists no adverse impact upon the countryside of other areas of special interest.

  • To establish an integrated and sufficient network of waste disposal installations, which utilise BATNEEC.