Unit 5:  Current Legislation Affecting UK Industry: Discharges To Water

5.3.7  EU Policy and Directives on Water

EU controls on water pollution are now having a direct effect upon UK legislation. Water pollution controls emanating from the EU are:

  • Discharge of dangerous substances (including wastes).
  • Quality objectives.
  • By sector/industry.
With the preservation and safeguarding of waters in mind, the European Commission's Fifth Action Programme Towards Sustainability expands existing EU policies and outlines a strategy for 2000 to:
  • Prevent the pollution of fresh and marine surface waters and groundwater.
  • To restore, to an ecologically friendly state, natural surface and ground waters.
  • To make sure that an effective programme of reasonable water conservation is implemented.
  • To integrate water policy into other parts of EU policy.

Further Reading:
The current NSCA Pollution Handbook lists the water related Directives in the appendices.