Unit 6:  Current Legislation Affecting UK Industry: Atmosphere

6.2.3  Guidance Notes - IPR Series

The concept of BATNEEC revolves around continuously improving the standard of pollution control. This is due to the fact that as the available technologies improve, the regulators will communicate these to the industries that are required to implement them (if practicable) thus heightening environmental protection standards. In order for BATNEEC to be effectively applied, operators of IPC processes need to know what constitutes BATNEEC for their industrial sector.

BATNEEC standards for each category of IPC process are given in published Guidance notes - IPR series, which are issued by the environment agencies for the benefit of their own inspectors and companies seeking process authorisation. In preparing the Notes the environment agencies review the best available techniques on an international scale, coupled with using the experience and knowledge of the industrial sectors. The notes are continually modified to reflect improvements. Six sets of guidance notes have been published for the sectors listed below:

  • IPR 1: Fuel and Power.
  • IPR 2: Metal production and Processing.
  • IPR 3: Mineral.
  • IPR 4: Chemical.
  • IPR 5: Waste Disposal.
  • IPR 6: Other (Miscellaneous).
The notes can be obtained from the Stationary Office and contain:
  • List of processes in the industrial sector of interest that have been prescribed by EPA 1990 as IPC regulated processes.
  • Reason why the process is prescribed.
  • The likely substances that would be released into the environment from the process.
  • The greatest releases that need to be controlled for example, dust, smoke and sulphur compounds.