
Depending on the velocity of the load application, different experimental techniques can be used in order to study dynamic material behaviour.
Creep and stress relaxation tests correspond to the lowest strain rate. These are used to study the viscoelastic response of the materials, and they are performed with conventional or creep machines.
Quasistatic tests are commonly used to obtain the static mechanical properties of materials. For this type of tests, wave stress front has to be kept constant throughout the entire sample length. The tests are performed with hydraulic or screw-driven machines.
Intermediate velocity tests are used to obtain material behaviour under impact conditions. Mechanical ringing in the sample and testing device are normally present in these tests, which are normally performed with pneumatic or hydraulic high speed machines.
High dynamics tests are used to study plastic wave propagation in materials. Testing techniques used include: Taylor test, Hopkinson bar or expansion rings.
Finally, high impact velocity tests involves shear and shock wave propagation. Tests with explosives are common applications for this range.