Concern / Complaint Corrective Action

1 : Concern details recorded on the 'Concern Received Sheet'(C.R.S.) which is passed on to the Concern Controller. (C.C.)
2 : The Concern Summary Sheet is issued by the C.C. and received by the supervisor of the area causing the concern.
3 : A daily meeting takes place to track corrective actions. C.C. and area supervisor attend. 10 minutes duration maximum
4 : The owner of the C.R.S
  • Ensures a stock sort is carried out, if required.
  • Forms a team to solve the problem
  • Brainstorms with team to determine root causes and actions
  • Updates sheets in C.R.S. file (8D Form, Timing Plan, Status Sheet, etc.) within 5 working days.
5 : Corrective actions identified and resources allocated.
6 : When 5 day response complete, C.R.S. returned to C.C. The C.R.S. will be reissued for updating when timing plan identifies an action is complete.
7 : Concern Controller concurs actions completed.

8 : C.R.S. owner updates status sheet, and timing plan, if required. Target for completion-2 days.
  9 : C.R.S. actions placed under monitor. The monitoring period is generally 100 working days.
10 : C.R.S. closed out. Congratulate Team.