Unit 1:  The Current Impact of Environmental Law Within The UK

Introduction to UK Environmental Law

In order to provide a sound basis for the study of environmental law, it is necessary to define the term law itself. In general, law is predominantly concerned with the regulation of human behaviour. The English legal system is particularly concerned with precision and is heavily dependent upon judicial decisions.

The main objectives of environmental law are to protect land or health. More recently, they also include the use of directives, which impose the same environmental constraints on all European Union businesses in order to create a level playing field.

Defining environmental law in legal terms is a complex procedure, particularly within the UK. Here, the emphasis is upon the precision of definitions. The fact that the environment is a complex term to define in itself means that the legal boundaries need to be strictly defined. Defining the term environment in its legal sense, in more detail will be approached later.

UK environmental law can be seen as developing from the following principles:

  • The polluter pays principle.
  • The Sustainability principle.
  • The Precautionary principle.