A Green Transport Plan


In light of the topics discussed in this unit some companies have developed their own Transport strategies. In haulage companies the concept of optimising fuel and transport resource has long been a part of the day to day running of a successful company. However, a green transport plan is one step further and provides the opportunity for employees to be involved on a personal level.

Task 7. Formally or informally develop a green transport plan for your company. If you do not feel this is possible you should identify clearly why, and state the kinds of change that would be required to make a green transport plan operate successfully. You should be aware of your own local public transport options including timetables and costs, and should be able to answer the simple question, "are you optimising your personal transport opportunities"?

Green Transport Plans are an opportunity to raise the awareness of organisations and employees about the consequences of their transport choices and the benefits of choosing suitable alternatives.

The aim of a Green Transport Plans is to minimise the impact of travel on the environment. They can play a part in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, improving local air quality, minimising health risks and reducing congestion, noise, dirt and fumes in towns and cities by:

  • Reducing the level of unnecessary travel and
  • Encouraging those who have to travel to do so in a way that minimises the environmental impact.

So what is a green transport plan?

A green transport plan is a set of measures tailored to suit the individual circumstances of different locations, but with the common aim of reducing the impacts of travel to work and transport activity during work.

Green Transport Plans can play an important part in producing real benefits for;

  • the individual - through improved health, reduced stress, potential cost savings
  • the organisation - through a healthier, more motivated workforce, reduced congestion and improved access to sites for employees, potential recruits contractors and visitors
  • the community - by organisations demonstrating their commitment to environmental priorities and setting an example to others
  • the environment - through improved local air quality with less noise dirt and fumes, as well as reducing the impact of other national and global environmental problems such as photochemical smog, and global warming