Table 5 Highlights some of the common pollutants and environmental impacts


Metal Main Producers Uses Extraction Method Environmental Problems

Iron (Fe)

Brazil, Australia, US, China, former Soviet Union Most commonly used metal: primary use is in steel-making for construction and machinery

Deep, drift and opencast mining

Water, land and polution at mining and processing plant
Aluminium (Al) Australia, Guinea-Bissau, Jamaica, Surinam, Guyana Second most widely used metal. Used in aircraft (light) and electrical wiring (good conductor) Formerly deep mining, now mainly open pit High energy requirements of extraction of Al from ore
Lead (Pb) US, former Soviet Union, Australia, Canada, Peru Battery electrodes, paint pigments and as an additive in petrol Formerly deep mining, now mainly open pit Production of SO2 during ore smelting: acid mine drainage
Zinc (Zn) Canada, former Soviet Union, US, Australia, Peru In iron and steel products, chemical industry and diecasting Formerly deep mining, now mainly open pit Production of SO2 during ore smelting: acid mine drainage
Copper (Cu) US, Chile, former Soviet Union, Canada, Zambia, Zaire Electrical wiring and cooking utensils Formerly deep mining, now mainly open pit Production of SO2 during ore smelting: acid mine drainage
Tin (Sn) Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Nigeria Tin plating of steel cans, in the production of organotin, as analloy in soldering and bronze-making Alluvial mining (recovery of tin from river sediments) Contamination of surrounding area, excessive siltation in water bodies
Nickle (Ni) Former Soviet Union, Canada, Australia, Indonesia In steel production; also in chemical industry for the production of dyes, catalysts and pigments Formerly deep mining, now mainly open pit Production of SO2 during ore smelting: acid mine drainage
Uranium (U) US, Canada, South Africa, Namibia, Australia Nuclear energy production Usually extracted by open pit methods Environmental contamination including risk from radioactive residue to ground water and human health