Planning Diaries

Planning Diaries are an effective method to use time better. The degree of Time Planning which is possible, will vary with individual jobs, but even the most unpredictable job will benefit from Time Planning.

The preparation of a Weekly Planning Diary requires following carefully the procedures for:

  1. Determining Results to be Achieved
  2. Preparing the Weekly Planning Diary

Results to be Achieved

To keep records of the results that you expect to achieve you can make use of the form shown below. To complete it, just follow the instructions provided:

Step 1

Write down your results to be achieved in the immediate future, using columns 1, 2 and 3. (Number result and date by which it is to be achieved.)

Step 2

Make an estimate of the number of hours which you will have to spend to complete each result. Fill this in column 4 "hours to complete".

Step 3

Allocate a priority to each result by numbering it in column 5 "Priority"

Mark the highest priority 1 and so on. It is possible for two or more results to share the same priority level.

When you are allocating priorities, you will naturally take into account the date by which each result is to be achieved and the number of hours needed to complete it.