Monitoring Environmental Performance
Level 5
Appendix 10
Blank Forms / Tables

Checklist for suggested contents of a transport improvement programme.

Category Score
20 points for achieving the fuel efficiency target
2 points for improving fuel efficiency on last month
4 points for up to date records on vehicle checks
3 points for route planning once a year
6 points for route planning twice a year
5 points for documented evidence that all batteries, tyres and oil are disposed of responsibly.
10 points for ensuring all suppliers and subcontractors, couriers and haulage vehicles are serviced to the required standard and batteries, tyres and oil are disposed in a in a responsible way
3 points for recording tyres consumed every month
1 point for two of the following:
  1. secure points for bicycles

  2. changing facilities for staff

  3. facilities for hanging dry wet clothes

  4. showers for staff who cycle.